My New Year's resolution is:

Photo of Jordi

Jordi 02-01-2015 02:24
Most of you got them, New Year's resolutions. So which one is the most important one and are you going to keep it?

This should've been a checkbox poll but we don't have that feature yet (note to self)

My New Year's resolution is:

Lose weight
Quit smoking
Less drinking
Save money
Other (comment section!)
Number of votes: 38

Photo of Jordi

Jordi 02-01-2015 02:25
Kicking it off: All of the above with the note that I don't smoke so quitting shouldn't be too hard wink.gif

Photo of Gekkie

Gekkie 03-01-2015 18:15
I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't gain weight, I don't spend too much, and ECTs have never been a problem.
How about doing the opposite of at least one or two of these resolutions and just have some more fun? laugh.gif

Photo of Jordi

Jordi 03-01-2015 19:23
Start drinking then wink.gif Guaranteed you'll gain weight, spend more money and score less ECTS than expected (or aimed for)

Photo of

04-01-2015 13:29
Mine's saving money. Or invent something that automatically makes money return to me, in which case I shouldn't save, just earn a lot.

Photo of Kevin Nauta

Kevin Nauta 05-01-2015 14:54
I don't have any resolutions, for the sole reason of never having kept to one in the past...

also 'loose weight' ?
I think you mean 'to lose weight' wink.gif

Photo of Jordi

Jordi 05-01-2015 16:16
Geen idee waar je het over hebt Kevin :')

Photo of Mira

Mira 06-01-2015 13:13
Jordi's New Year's resolution is less polls by Maikel? :')

Photo of Maikel

Maikel 06-01-2015 23:46
That's a great resolution though

Photo of Annet

Annet 12-01-2015 22:41
To watch more movies!

Photo of 🍆

🍆 23-01-2015 21:12

Sowieso meer ects.