Where should the next StudCie trip go to

Photo of Jelmer

Jelmer 09-02-2014 14:50
Yesterday 14 Cover members just returned from Bremen. Now, where should the next StudCie trip go to?

For your information: Franeker once had a university but now you can visit the world famous planetarium. CERN is located in Geneva and LEGOland is close to Kolding. So vote for Kolding.

Where should the next StudCie trip go to

Kolding, Denmark
Geneva, Switzerland
Calais, France
Franeker, Frisia
Other, namely...
Number of votes: 42

Photo of Jordi

Jordi 09-02-2014 15:24
I don't think the StudCie should organize trips. Calendar is getting to full with 3 trips every year and it results in less people going on each trip.

Photo of Mira

Mira 09-02-2014 15:56
Frankly, I'm inclined to go with Jordi on this one, especially if the trips stay as closely packed together in the schedule as they currently are.

Photo of Maikel

Maikel 09-02-2014 17:48
Indeed, the StudCie trip should either be way earlier (I'm talking first period early) or not at all. With the AWAI being difficult to move due to the other associations and the big trips taking advantage of Kingsday, it has no place being late in the year, also due to other weekends like the LAN and membersweekend.

Nevertheless, Kolding sounds great.

Photo of Ben Wolf

Ben Wolf 09-02-2014 17:50
As fun as trips are, I'm inclined to agree with Jordi and Arnoud. We already have a variety of trips: ExCie and McCie for longer durations and of course AWAI for the smaller trips.
I hold quality over quantity. Not that the StudCie trips aren't well organised, but imo it's redundant. And for the locations such as Denmark; I would consider them locations for an ExCie or AWAI trip...

Photo of Died Piraat

Died Piraat 09-02-2014 23:21
I agree, StudCie trips can work if they're in November or similarly early in the year (like Berlin was), but now you're just dividing your potential participant base.

Photo of Marijn Pool

Marijn Pool 17-02-2014 14:19
Going to agree with the rest and Jordi. The StudCie could try to make some more company visits instead of trips abroad.

Photo of Banana Me

Banana Me 17-02-2014 23:51
Disagree with all of you, the StudCie trips actually do contain study related activities. Also, the AWAI is just for AI students. And beside those two points, I also think we should value the activities we organize ourselves. As long as we are able to organize small trips like these on our own, I think we should do so over trips with other associations.

Photo of Wolter

Wolter 18-02-2014 10:11
I find it very fascinating that whenever it appears there are not enough people for the ExCie or a McXie the StudCie is forced to organize a trip, whether they want to or not, but when they want to organize it and are enthusiastic about it people find they should stop doing it because it is too much. This seems to be something we are good at at Cover: Stick to a very strict planning and not really encourage alternative idea's.

As to the planning. November/December are very busy months, not just for Cover but for the entire university and everything outside of it (sinterklaas, Chrismass, holidays, exams, etc). It was noticed people who wanted to go on the trips could not go because they had other things to do or teachers refused to cooperate. So yes, some people might not go in February because of the ExCie trip and the AWAI, but in November you will also loose participants.

Lastly, although I do not fully agree with Joris, activities with other associations might be worth more than just sticking to our own group of people, he does raise a very good point. The AWAI is mainly for AI students. For an association that has been struggling with getting CS members it wouldn't hurt to also have a trip more geared towards the CS people. This is something the StudCie has in the past tried to incorporate in their trips.
Also, why move the StudCie trip? Who said we have to have the members weekend in the spring? Why can't we push harder to have the AWAI in the first period? or a LAN at a different date?

Photo of Anita

Anita 18-02-2014 18:21
You go Wolter! smile.gif

Photo of Dirk Zittersteyn

Dirk Zittersteyn 18-02-2014 18:27

Photo of Maikel

Maikel 20-02-2014 09:41
And when would you want the member's weekend to take place then? When would that LAN take place? The reality is that in spring there are lots of things that are as big as the StudCie trip forcing a lot of people to make a choice in where they want to go. Now ofcourse that is not a bad thing if we weren't struggling with attendence numbers all the time. I dont know how many people the StudCie trip was going to be for, but I don't believe that there weren't any more spots for it.

Now we all know that changing the date for the AWAI is a disaster, with all of those associations having a say there and with all those boards changing at different times throughout the year, and although I agree that the AWAI is tailored towards AI students, I don't think that should stop the CS students from going. It is a fact that throughout Cover's active members AI outrank CS students by like 4 to 1. Take the StudCie trip, I count 2 CS students and 13 AI students. Now that's not a shame, but I don't believe that even when a StudCie trip will be tailored towards CS that more people would go, since CS students just have different needs than AI students.

My point is, we have different members within Cover with all their own wants and needs, and I don't think that a StudCie trip is part of those wants and needs when there is an ExCie or McCie.