What skill would you like to learn for your career?

ComExA 18-10-2018 14:02
What skill would you like to learn for your career?

What skill would you like to learn for your career?

Being able to nail job interviews
Presenting myself well on LinkedIn
Exceeding in public speaking
Communicating in a more efficient and convincing way
Preventing and solving conflicts with people
Number of votes: 39

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18-10-2018 14:09
Where is the bullshit option?

Anyways I want to learn how to reply on linkedin request in a non-rude way that clearly shows that I don't need a recruiter and I pity them for the job they've got

Photo of Mira

Mira 18-10-2018 14:35
I think an actual -good- workshop on exceeding in public speaking would be great. Then again, that would probably resemble training for theatre, because workshops on public speaking that mainly consist of presentation tips are overdone and generally, in my opinion, not very effective.

I guess 'Communicating in a more efficient and convincing way' is generally the most beneficial (personal) skill on the list, though. That's a skill that helps you with literally everything.

I also could not possible agree more with Guus on the LinkedIn-thing, especially if said recruiters in question have (somewhat similar) unique opportunities for 3 different companies within a year smile.gif.

Photo of Gekkie

Gekkie 24-10-2018 11:22
"Exceeding in public speaking" sounds a little like being obnoxious tongue.gif