Assistant system administrator for foundation Beeldbepalend

Board 21-02-2015 15:11
Assistant system administrator for foundation Beeldbepalend

Dear volunteer,

The foundation Beeldbepalend is looking for an assistant system administrator.

The foundation supports and creates projects in various cultural disciplines. The projects aim to make people (more) aware of their way of life, and social and natural environment. We draw attention to individuals, social groups and aspects of society and nature that we think deserve more attention. In addition to the projects, there’s an editorial and activities programme. Visit the website for more information: .  
We’re looking for an assistant sysadmin who can help the main admin in several areas. You’ll help with the operation of websites, and help with ideas for improvement. The time investment is irregular. In the week of the launch of a project, it’ll be busy. Other weeks, there might not be a need of system management.
Furthermore, we find it important that you share your knowledge. That can be in response of a specific question of a project, or as an own initiative in the form of workshops.

What we expect from an assistant system administrator:

- interest in social and cultural issues
- knowledge (or is willing to acquire knowledge) of PHP, MYSQL, HTML5, CSS3, DirectAdmin control panel, Wordpress, WooCommerce, Wootickets, Ostickets
- shares knowledge with foundation members (directors, projects, and other volunteers)
- can work systematic and independent

What we offer:

- an inspiring, cultural and diverse work environment
- access to all activities of the foundation
- acquire experience
- networking possibilities

Are you interested in working in a cultural and vibrant environment, or do you have any more questions? Send an e-mail with short motivation to: