Francken Game Jam

Board 18-02-2015 15:01
Francken is organizing the Francken Game Jam in the weekend of 6-8 March 2015. It will be a weekend in which teams battle (or cooperate) to design and create an original, addicting, cool or visually/auditive breathtaking prototype for a board game or video game. All qualities can be used, and for everyone who wants to unleash his creativity this is the place to be. So if you play an instrument or want to make some digital music, program, draw, solder, sculpt, tell stories, make jokes, or do you just have a brilliant concept for a game, gather a team with diverse qualities (like the A-team, Commandos, Watson and Sherlock, Asterix and Obelix or another team to your liking) and sign up!

Do you want to sign up as a team? Then we want to encourage you to have someone who has experience with a game engine in your team. If you don't, don't panic, we organize well before the game jam an introduction to Unity3D, a commonly used game engine for both 2D and 3D games. This introduction will be given by experienced game developers from the Groningse Indietopia, who will also be coaching on the jam itself. Programming experience is necessary for Unity3D. Can't program but still want to use a game engine? We can offer you other software, which you can delve into beforehand.

Signing up is possible at the Francken room (Nijenborgh 5113.0002), or by sending an email to