Wanted: Software developer

Candidate Board 11-09-2014 14:18
Hello Computer Science students,

I am looking for a software developer who can help me out with a project I’m working on concerning Google Glass. I’m looking for someone who can work with Java and Google SDK.
We want to develop an app that enables us to livestream both the video and audio recordings of Glass to a server. Next we want an audio connection from the one watching that video, to the Glass. This is our primary goal. In a later stage, we would like to add several other interesting features to this app.
Sounds interesting? Send an e-mail to Inge van Schouwenburg: imvanschouwenburg@gmail.com.

Photo of Jordi

Jordi 12-09-2014 12:11
This isn't an external activity. I think the (candidate) board, of all people, should know this.

Photo of Ben Wolf

Ben Wolf 13-09-2014 15:07
Since when are we publishing vacancies (for free) on the forums?tongue.gif